This article originally featured in the December 2021 issue of Connect.


Happy Holidays if you celebrate them, and if not, enjoy the winter break! Here are a few words that might come up in conversation over the month ahead and a seasonal pun I’m sure you could pull off in the right setting.


アルミ缶の上にあるミカン – (arumi kan no ue ni aru mikan) The mikan is on top of the aluminum can.



雪見 yukimi, snow-viewing

雪だるま yukidaruma, snowman

冬休み fuyuyasumi, winter break

クリスマス kurisumasu, Christmas

イルミネーション irumineshon, “illumination” or light decorations that are often put up in winter

吹雪 fubuki, blizzard

正月 shougatsu, New Years

お年玉 otoshidama, money that children receive every New Year

年賀状 nengajou, New Years Cards

みかん mikan, mandarin oranges (traditional winter fruit!)

焼き芋 yakiimo, roasted sweet potatoes





Photo by: Jinomono Media